Section outline

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    We worked hard for the blocks and we are assertive about it. It is simple to use and can even be fun for you.
    Each block is configurable independently. You are free to use whatever you want.

    Blocks Settings

    Disable the blocks you do not use for the system to run fast. You can find the disable button in the settings of each block.

    1.Front Page One

    This setting is used to determine the placement of the blocks on the front page. You can create the layout of your front page by choosing the 10 blocks that are most suitable for you among dozens of options.

    Follow the steps below to set up your blocks:

    1. Navigate to → Site administration > Appearance > Themes > Educard
    2. Go to the → Front Page > Front Page One

    2.FrontPage Block

    Detailed settings of the blocks you have selected are made in this section. You get a great look without writing any code.

    Follow the steps below to set up your blocks:

    1. Navigate to → Site administration > Appearance > Themes > Educard
    2. Go to the → FrontPage Block > TITLE BOX/ ICON BOX/ FEATURES/ LATEST/ WHY WE/

    • This is the online documentation about Educard Theme.